Over 200 people attended the October 11-14 event, about half from the Madison Area and half from other parts of the country, including 35 Proutists (about 15 percent). Well-known keynote speakers included The Nation correspondent John Nichols, Gar Alperovitz on cooperatives, Ellen Brown on public banking, David Cobb of Move to Amend, and David Schweikart, author of another book called After Capitalism.
This course is part one of a four part “EDE” (Ecovillage Design Education) course covering the worldview, social, ecological and...
Global Association of Neohumanist Educators (GANE) partnered with several affiliated organizations to bring together over a hundred leading neohumanist educators...
LEBANON – April 10-13, 2015 Neohumanist Education Conference and Spiritual Retreat Al Mahaba School, Kfarnabrakh, Chouf, Lebanon. Cost $120 for...
Microvita Seminar February 22-23, 2014 AMGK Italia held a Seminar on the topic of Microvita was held in Pescantina...
TAIWAN – January 24-25, 2015 This Seminar will explore what Neohumanism brings to the practice of education. The focus is...
Ananda Marga Gurukula is currently in the process of setting up a new initiative called the PR Sarkar Institute. PRSI will provide comprehensive online resources related to Shrii PR Sarkar and his works, and will be a forum for the research, development and dissemination of Shrii PR Sarkar’s ideas.
The Prout Convention is a blend of spiritual retreat and inspiration for social change. This year’s program continues a comprehensive...