
Master Units are like eco-villages & service communities founded on the principles of sustainable development as enunciated by Shri P.R.Sarkar- the founder. Anandanagar is the global Master unit that was initiated by Shrii Sarkar. He gave very many detailed guidelines for its development. Only a very small portion of his plans have been implemented so far. Most of the master units are in rural areas and currently, there are a few hundred of them around the world. These master units cooperate with the Eco-Villages Network Movement in the world. Master Units are striving to be applied demonstrations of PROUT principles also propounded by Shrii Sarkar. Ananda Marga Gurukula aims to establish educational programs at each master unit with the help of local community for the benefit of local and world community.


A sample of master units from around the world:

Anandanagar (India)

Ananda Nagar

Ananda Paramita  (Brazil)

Ananda Raga (Thailand)

Ananda Vidyadharma (Thailand)

Ananda Bha’rati  (Ireland)

Ananda Kanan (USA)

Ananda Putta Bhumi (Poland)

Ananda Uma (Vietnam)

Ananda Gaorii (Denmark)

Ananda Lina (USA)

Ananda Arpana (USA)

Ananda Mayadiipa (Argentina)

Ananda Prasuna (France)

Ananda Annapurna (Russia)

Ananda Suruci (Taiwan)

Ananda Vasundhara (Brazil)

Ananda Kamala (Australia)

Ananda Niliima (USA)

Ananda Vihar (Ydrefors,Sweden)

Ananda Viplava (USA)

Ananda Kalyani (Portugal)

Ananda Dhiira (USA)

Ananda Girisuta (USA)

Ananda Kiirtana (Brazil)

Centro Madre (Venezuela)

Ananda Vasundhara (Brazil)

Ananda Ashisha (Poland)