excerpts from the writings Shrii P. R. Sarkar
The study of psychology may be divided into the following main branches:
General Psychology
Apexed or Pinnacled Psychology
General Psychology
The origin of mind: the unit mind has evolved out of matter through clash and cohesion. Mind is the composite of citta, aham and mahat (objective, subjective and self-awareness)-– its different functional chambers. It has four mental states — ja’grat (wakeful), svapna (dream), sus’upti (sleep) and turiya (transcendental). From a practical point of view, the mind is divided into conscious, subconscious and unconscious portions.
Mind has five layers (kos’as) of existence — ka’mamaya, manomaya, atima’nas, vijina’namaya and hiran’maya. The expression of mind, whether crude or subtle, depends upon the different kos’as. The association of mind with external objects is established through tanma’tras or inferences. Tanma’tras are of five kinds: sound, touch, form, taste and smell. The tanma’tras are actually the expressions of material objects. The tanma’tras in the form of vibrations come in contact with the mind through the five sensory organs. The mind establishes its link with external objects through the inferences.
Bio-psychology may be divided into several classes
• human psychology;
• psychology of creatures which stand upon two legs, for example, orang-utans;
• psychology of other beings [including monkeys, quadrupeds and other developed animals];
• psychology of reptiles which move through the pressure of the chest but cannot fly;
• psychology of flying creatures, that is, birds;
• psychology of multicellular protozoa, unicellular protozoa, multicellular metazoa and uni-cellular metazoa.
You should all learn the various psychologies of the different groups. You should learn about human psychology in particular, and about non-human animate psychologies. Though inanimate objects — gold, silver, iron, etc. — do not have psychology, they have characteristics. That is, each and every entity, animate and inanimate, has its own particular psychology or characteristic. When coming in contact with different entities, animate and inanimate, you should act according to the knowledge of their psychology or characteristics.
Parapsychology links up the gaps between one life and another — it links up the gaps life after life. So, parapsychology is the science which links up our present life with our past lives.
The field of parapsychology is still very underdeveloped. It should be developed, but it is a very difficult field to develop. Why has the field of parapsychology not developed? Because it is spiritual in nature and it cannot be developed by non-spiritualists.
Apexed or Pinnacled Psychology
When the movement of the human mind is not in many lateral directions — north, south, east and west — but towards the Supreme Entity, then the mind becomes apexed, pinnacled. This pointed mind either merges in the Macrocosm, or gives up its individual existence in the Supreme Cognitive Faculty.
To make the mind pinnacled, one should do dhya’na.
When both sides of the pituitary plexus are fully developed and fully utilized, one attains apexed intellect.