As in all previous NHE conferences, we gained and shared a deeper understanding about Neohumanist Education. Nineteen people attended the conference, which took place in the CNS Taiwan Office. We were hoping to help not only school teachers and parents, but also supervisors, leaders or anyone who wants to pass on the idea of universal love to others.We started the conference with Dada Shambhushivananda’s lecture on “How to Develop One’s Potentials as a Neohumanist Educator”. He gave us a closer look at who we are as human beings, and how we can utilize our qualities for the progress of the self, and for guiding others. Participants were very inspired by Dadaji’s power point presentation. Several of the attendees asked for copies for reviewing, especially about the qualities necessary for leadership. Dadaji also talked about the structure of Gurukula Taiwan, and encouraged the collaboration of all participants.The first afternoon class was on writing “Lesson Plans”, which was taught by Ispita’, an art teacher. This kind of structural work should be the basic skill of all teachers, and can be beneficial to all people. Participants were especially interested in seeing the photos of students, art work and writings, which proved the value of making lesson plans. The second afternoon class, “The Creative Use of Learning Materials”, was taught by Snehalata, a math teacher. Participants were asked to use small blocks of wooden dominos for designing games or stories which can elevate student’s intelligence and moral value. The second part was to find the secrete patterns in these blocks of numbers. The last part of the class was a problem solving game, which really led to a deeper concentration of the mind for the participants. The last part of the conference was “The Sharing Time” in the evening, hosted by Didi Sananda. Although there were only 8 people attended the sharing, many things were shared, such as updates on personal growth and learning as teachers, news of a trip to the NHE International Conference in Thailand, and a trip to Ananda Marga schools in South America. We also had a discussion on different ways of structuring the next conference. | | |