AYAM Intensive Yoga Teacher Training

Córdoba, Argentina
by José Luis Ferrero


The AYAM (Academia de Yoga de Ananda Marga) Intensive Yoga Teacher Course was held from January 15th to 31st at the Ananda Mayadiipa Master Unit. This MU is set among the mountains, in the beautiful province of Córdoba, in central Argentina. It is a rugged area with rivers, mountains, lakes and forests. There also are many plant and animal species living in the wild. This area of lush nature is a suitable environment for the practice of meditation and ásanas and for the study of spiritual matters.

Issue36_Page_16_Image_0004AYAM offers to the students involved in this activity a deep and unique experience, with a total immersion into the study and practice for 17 consecutive days. The natural environment, full-time dedication, ásanas, meditation, subtle food and coexistence with teachers, acaryas and peers have a profound positive effect on the body and mind of all participants. As teachers we have thoroughly enjoyed this activity, sharing and getting inspiration and spiritual growth with our students.

Nine students from various provinces of Argentina and from Chile and Mexico participated in the activity. We are very happy with this group of brilliant yoga teachers who put their energy to the service of humanity through the ideals of spirituality and the Neohumanism of Shrii P. R. Sarkar. Below we transcribe the opinion of some of the graduates of this course.

Issue36_Page_16_Image_0005“Beyond learning new matters, concepts and disciplines, this course was learning for the life, was a “magic” period. The warmth of the teachers, the privilege of sharing the experience with acaryas, the peace of the environment, all … just makes me want to go back, not to acquire more knowledge, but to stay. I thank my son who motivated me to do this training.” – Patricia Vera Sánchez – Puerto Montt – Chile

Issue36_Page_16_Image_0006“This intensive course was a very pleasant experience. It goes far beyond the asanas. It allowed me to work with patience, tolerance, humility and self-criticism: it was very enlightening. Knowledge provided is deep and so are the lessons learned through coexistence. I learned a lot, felt more, remembered much. For me it’s a before and after.” – Lorenzo Giménez Camarones – Chubut – Argentina

Issue36_Page_16_Image_0001“I cannot say that the experience “was” in one way or another, because it continues now with the changes arising from this course; Changes arising from the attempt to put into daily life the knowledge that we shared. I went in search of a yoga course, imagining that I would work with the body and mind, balance and harmony of both, and I received a balm for the spirit. Consistency and holistic internal work, applied in practical life, gives greater meaning to take this path. I appreciate the loving treatment given to us by the teachers Jyotirmaya and Kriipamayii and the acaryas Dada Ramashrayananda and Dada Tattvabodhananda. They opened our hearts to learning. I think it’s a beautiful start on this path.” – Azucena Sánchez – Usuhaia – Argentina
