Viruses and Microvita

For an introduction to the topic of Microvita please refer to the article “About the Substance of Forms” from the last issue (issue 49) of Gurukula Network:

By Henk de Weijer

Molecules and their Smartness

Currently, almost everyone on our planet is confronted with the Corona Virus Disease, COVID-19. Small as they are, with their size of approximately 0.1 micrometre, they flatten entire countries. In RNA, nucleotides are compositions of molecules. These single-stranded, very long molecules, are enclosed by a layer of proteins. The poliovirus, with its genome of 8.000 nucleotides, is one of the smallest viral genomes. COVID-19 has almost 30.000 nucleotides and is one of the longest genomes. However, this number does not make it more dangerous. It only means that it has more skill to overcome host resistance.

A virus cannot be called a living organism because it can only reproduce at the expense of a host. That certainly does not mean that a virus is stupid. Once it has invaded a host, it can multiply for days without waking up the immune system. Viruses observe, select and remove modified pieces of RNA. Also, they mutate constantly, allowing them to respond quickly to a potential host’s defence mechanism. Viruses are smart.

Another example of smartness: Kite flying is an interactive game with the forces of nature. Without enough wind or in the opposite situation, during a storm, the game remains a dream. What makes kite flying possible if there is enough wind? Not its components, paper, wooden bars, rope or tail. These are undoubtedly important, but controlled flying also depends on the intelligence and know-how of the maker and the skill of the player.

Viruses are heterogeneous compositions of atoms and molecules. What makes them so smart, dangerous and parasitic? Could it be that, just like with kite flying, also a smart component is included? Are viruses “complicated molecular machines” or biological beings with a rudimentary mind? If unicellular organisms, and with them viruses, don’t have a brain, what explains their ability to observe, read, translate, and then respond appropriately?

Microvita and Mind

In the previous paragraph questions were asked about a possible carrier of intelligence in uni- and multicellular organisms. Humans are made up of unicellular organisms and equipped with a body and a mind. Their Last Universal Common Ancestor LUCA at the beginning of evolution, must have been a unicellular organism or even groups of organelles. Did the ultimate human mind come out of the blue, or did it evolve from the smallest imaginable mind in LUCA to the current human mind in the current human body? If it is possible or even probable, that mind is something that can evolve, what is the substance of that ‘something’? A similar question also applies to viruses. What is the breeding ground, the substance for their cleverness? Shrii P.R. Sarkar (May 21, 1921 – October 21, 1990) approached the quest for clarity in a whole new way. He indicated that the universe is a composition of two components, of which consciousness is the material factor and Cosmic energy the operative principle. Consciousness is all-pervading, while energy is not. Energy is required to perform any action. Energy, the blind force, cannot do anything in a systematic order, unless and until it is supported by intellect.

Now, look at some ideas that he mentioned about ‘microvita.’

  • There are entities which come within the realm of both physicality and psychic expressions, which are smaller or subtler than atoms, electrons or protons, and in the psychic realm may be subtler than ectoplasm.
  • Billions of microvita produce a single carbon atom.
  • Regarding these microvita of crude order, which may come within the scope of a microscope, people give them the name “virus.” They say, “This disease is of virus origin.” But virus is a vague term. The better term will be microvitum and not virus.
  • A mind is associated with every structure, either in manifested form or in dormant form.
  • Various kinds of negative microvita which have, up to now, been called a “virus,”damage human beings.
  • These living creatures, with their mysterious movement, create minds and bodies.
  • Collective good thoughts can check the flow of negative microvita.
  • One category of subtle microvita functions within the mind.

Some Findings

  • Microvita are granular entities and much smaller than protons.
  • Their substance is either consciousness or energy. They cannot be particles of energy, because it is a blind force and microvita at least have contact with intellect. The blind cannot lead the blind, which here means that microvita are not particles of energy but consciousness. Consciousness has two forms. Its first form is ubiquity; the second is granularity. In other words: it is both non-local and local, which explains entanglement and shows that empty space does not exist.
  • Microvita are present in body and mind. They are also permeated by non-local consciousness.
  • Every structure, whether concrete or subtle, has a mind that can be manifested or remain dormant. Hadrons, e.g. are compositions of quarks, which means that they can be structures with a mind but maybe in an inert form. Viruses have a structured body composed of small and huge molecules. They don’t have a brain but still have a mind that is composed of crude and subtle, negative microvita. These microvita do explain the crude behaviour and cleverness of viruses.
  • The word “virus” first appeared in 1898. The Latin word “virus” means “slimy liquid” or “poison.” This word does not even hint at the parasitic nature of its reproduction.
  • How can the current COVID-19 disease be controlled? Collective good thoughts can do this. At present peace has returned to many cities. People feel more involved and behave accordingly. This almost automatic increase of good thoughts can undoubtedly influence a decrease of negative microvita. Calling that reaction “a practical solution” goes a long way, mainly because economic worries are increasing at the same time.