IIUM UNESCO Chair on Future Studies

Teacher Training at the Lotus Center
Children’s Center – Didi Ananda Gunamaya
Abdulraman, a local teacher, introduced Jolly phonics to our staff. He also engaged the teachers in some art work with the letters.
We have already been using Phonics to teach reading to our pupils. However, as we applied the Jolly Phonics, it proved even better. Jolly phonics is introduced by awakening the curiosity of the child by telling a story with the sound of the letter they are going to learn, then introducing a song with gestures for that sound. The children also got a workbook to get acquainted with each letter by coloring activities and letter forming.
Gurukul in Taiwan and South East Asia
By Tang Tamminga
In China the government has made new educational guidelines that favor Neohumanist Education practices. This has greatly helped us expand our range and there are several people now full time working on promoting NHE programs.
We now have regular teacher training programs online, both on storytelling and Kids Yoga. (All these classes are in Chinese).
We also developed new programs for storytelling: The Circle of Love program has been bought by 250 plus institutions. We are now working on the next cycle of stories (also on the Earth Lovers Family platform), How and Why stories. The props have been done and books are in production. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW91paE6wJ2hXhWOtQyJ5rw
To support the stories of the Circle of Love curriculum, a set of forty ‘Little Science’ books is in development. This way we will have the story and the science pat covered. Publishing of the first ten books in this series will begin April 2022.
The regular classes for special needs students have started again this semester. In-person teacher trainings are also back on track and a new program on vrttis, called the Yoga of Emotions has also started.
Though Covid 19 has affected us here finally too, we are blessed with many new initiatives and dynamism.

Campo Divino
While as a whole we are experiencing many changes and movement in various fronts in this world, touching everyone’s lives and existence, there is an eternal fountain of inspiration and grace. Here is some of the news from Campo Divino where many people from all over the world have been moving together to put their efforts, energy and love into building a new world.
New construction
This newly completed home is called Prabhata Nilayam,
and houses the family managing the natural medicine production. It is also intended to be used for art programs and encounters. Lots of people have helped in different ways over three years to make this beautiful house be a reality today.
Horses and naturopathy
Two amazing mares enchant all visitors and volunteers with their unimaginable tameness. People at first contact with them find quick and deep insights of their own, as if they have known them for a long time. People also gain trust, firmness, courage, and inspiration, developing closer proximity to animals because they are such a great companions and life instructors. All animals living in Campo Divino are trained to be part of the project assisting in the various activities proposed to volunteers and guests.
Práńáh Nucleus
This natural medicine project is reaching out to big and small cities of Córdoba, Santa Fé y Buenos Aires provinces thanks to the coordination between networks, the nucleus (consumers’ cooperatives modality), and resellers that support the project through the selling of Práńáh products.
Yoga & Meditation in Amboy (nearest town)
One of the most important aspects of a Neohumanist Ecovillage is to create social interaction and relation with the surrounding. Campo Divino has begun to spread its love’s seeds within the local community. To help solve different common problems in people today a yoga program for health, meditation practice and subtle lifestyle is held weekly with incredible response and assistance.
Volunteers’ Program
During this year, due to pandemic restrictions, only Argentinian volunteers were able to join the program. The volunteering flow continues steadily and by joining the program they learn about various focused areas of the project and especially living and working in an atmosphere of self-awareness, collectiveness, and progress immersed in pure nature.
Campo Divino & Nuovo Mondo: A Neohumanist Union
From Argentina to Italy and from Italy to Argentina there are no borders. They are two distant realities but they are united by a single word, the fundamental key to start a new era: Neohumanism. For more than a year a collaboration has continued, an exchange of ideas and thoughts born from the desire to expand Neohumanism in the world through a simple lifestyle that respects nature and all animate and inanimate creation. This project union aims to be an example of collaboration, of a community inspired by the ethical principles of Yama and Niyama, and a cultural exchange of customs and traditions that enrich and excite the people who live and breathe the experience of these two realities. Campo Divino and Nuovo Mondo support and help each other in bringing a seed of hope, light and love into the heart of those who become part of this great Universal Family.
– Shivamayii from Italy (propounder and coordinator between Campo Divino and Nuovo Mondo)
World Group Meditation
Twice a month there is a ZOOM meet for kiirtan, meditation, and sharing with former volunteers living in their own countries today, providing a precious and propitious atmosphere to share spiritual practices together. Many of these people continue helping the project according to their capacity and talents to whom Campo Divino is ever grateful!!
Connecting Office in Europe
This year, Campo Divino established an office in Germany to coordinate different works and aims related to the promotion of the project in Europe, eco-villages networking and participation, planning and future visions, as well as for fundraising campaigns and bridging people that intend to travel to South America and stay in Campo Divino for a certain period of time. This has been accomplished thanks to the initiative of 2 volunteers from Germany that are soon releasing an online campaign to collect funds for the construction of the Meditation Hall.
More info: www.campodivino.com.ar
Ananda Daksina Master Unit, Viamão
By Taís Monteiro (Kevala)
Here at the Ananda Daksina master unit in Viamão, Brasil, we’re fine. Feeling the movements of nature we follow and care for this place daily. Cooperating with the local nature we have a space of great beauty and tranquility. The face-to-face activities are gradually returning. On Sundays we have collective meditation outdoors. A big gain we had throughout the year was the construction of the playground for children. Currently Dada Citta is the guardian of the site, and we are in total 7 locals.
Dada Shambhúshivánanda gave a special talk on the theme of “Aesthetics and Mysticism” at NERI headquarters in East Haven. Peter Dodge, President of NERI hosted the talk, which was followed by a film on the life of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar at the Lyrics Hall Home Theatre. John Cavaliere served a sumptuous meal afterwards for all special guests. During his visit to United States, Dada also gave talks in the Boston area and made inspirational visits to Washington DC, New York, and Philadelphia.
Chandigarh, India
The Neohumanist Center in Chandigarh holds daily children’s activities at 6.30am for the neighborhood children of Vikas Nagar , Nayagaon. The children’s program is being conducted by Prof. Meera Sharma, an experienced retired educator.
Anandanagar, India
Gurukula Foundation day was celebrated at Gopal Anandanagar on Sept 7, 2021. The program began with the recitation of the Gurukula song. The colourful program included athletics completion, dance, drama, and musical activities. A special meal was served to all present. Over 200 participants graced the occasion. Some parents of the children also witnessed the performances of their children.
The primary school nearby has an enrollment of 165 children now. Children are learning dance, Prabhata Samgiita, and Samskrta. They perform yoga warmups and practice meditation for ten minutes daily. Recently, Samskrta Divas (day) was held on October 5, 2021 in the Gurukula Primary School where children gave talks in Samskrta, recited sutras and slokas, sang samskrta songs of Prabhata Samgiita, and recited numerals in samskrta. Arup Kumar (MA in Samskrta) taught the students and conducted the impressive program.
Microvitology- the unique contribution of Shrii P.R. Sarkar: Talk Given as Part of an Online Symposium
By Dr Vartika Jain
To celebrate the Centennial Birth Anniversary of Shrii P. R. Sarkar, an online symposium was held on Sunday, 23rd May by the Women’s Welfare Department of India. Two Gurukula staff members gave presentations.
Mrs. Ritu from Bangalore talked about the concept of Neohumanist Education and its need in the present day.
Dr. Vartika Jain, Asst. Prof. Govt. Meera Girls’ College and Secretary, Society for Microvita Research and Integrated Medicine, spoke on Microvita – the mysterious emanations of cosmic factor. She shared that Microvita theory was given by Shrii Sarkar in December 1986 and explained that viral diseases are in fact negative microvita diseases and can be cured by increasing concentration of positive microvita in the surroundings by, for example, eating a healthy sentient diet, reading good literature, chanting kirtan, or doing meditation, as well as by planting plants of Panchwati in and around homes and hospitals. She explained that the Microvita theory of Shrii Sarkar can solve many problems of society in a nicer way but it requires research in both physical and mental laboratories.
The Symposium included talks on many of the other contributions of Shrii P. R. Sarkar including Prabhat Samghiita, PROUT, Women’s Rights, and more.
Building a Positive Future in Vietnam
By Trần Thúy Ngọc
Together with the whole country striving through the challenges of the pandemic time, in Vietnam we have been doing our best to maintain various neohumanist educational activities on Zoom, such as daily classes for asanas, kaoshikii, and tandava; weekly circles on yoga philosophy, meditation, Prabhata Samgiita, woman’s welfare, cooking; special events celebrating P. R. Sarkar Centenary, Mid-Autumn festival etc. Through trials and errors, we are learning how to adapt ourselves to new technology and new disciplines that are a “must” for online activities. The purpose is to leave no one behind in this educational journey, and to be safe and cooperative as well. Covid-19 has changed everything and each one has to make a choice according to one’s circumstance how to be online: laptop, ipad, smart phone etc., and how to manage and propagate neohumanist ideas with an unstable internet connection. An ever-human evolution in a completely new virtual world!