Year-Long Shrii P. R. Sarkar Centenary Celebration Comes to a Close
Update from PRSI - PR Sarkar Institute by Dada Gunamuktananda

The centenary year celebration was a great success. The year opened with three global premiere screenings of the documentary film “Embodiment of Bliss: The Life and Legacy of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti” in May last year, with ten more global and dedicated event screenings throughout the rest of the year. The YouTube release of the film was on the birthday of Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar, 16 May this year, on the PR Sarkar Institute channel. This film, focusing on the life of Shrii Sarkar, is being followed up by another film focusing on the impact of Ananda Marga around the world, currently in production. https://www.prsinstitute.org/outreach/films
Also on the weekend of Shrii Sarkar’s birthday this year, was the final online event of the centenary year, a global online celebration including a Prabhat Samgiita concert, a presentation of Shrii Sarkar’s contributions to the world, a review of the year’s events, closing remarks by Gurukula’s chancellor Dada Shambhushivananda, and a YouTube live-stream of the film.
The three versions of the centenary exhibition, including a new 400-page print and ebook edition, and the extended screen version, now available as a standalone PDF, are available here on an ongoing basis: http://www.prsinstitute.org/outreach/exhibitionshttps:
The book version of the Baba Centenary exhibition, Shrii Shrii Anandamurti: 100 Facets of His Life, Mission and Teachings is a large format 400-page premium colour photo book of key events, milestones and fascinating insights into the life, mission and teachings of the modern-day tantric guru, spiritual master and social revolutionary Shrii Shrii Anandamurti.
Each chapter comprises descriptive text, stories and best-quality images, carefully selected, restored, enhanced and compiled for the occasion of his birth centenary.
It is available as a paperback here:
Or as an ebook here: