Since New’s Year Day 2008, a good number of Ananda Marga schools organised sports which inspired the local margiis and sympathisers. More than 53 schools in total organised Sports Day. All the guardians with great inspiration extended their cooperation for making these competitions successful. In some places, guardians actively participated in making the sports event successful. A few of these programs are included in the following list.
On 19th January Ananda Marga School, Kharibari at foothills of Darjeeling (north Bengal) organised Annual sports. Thousands of people including hundreds of guardians enjoyed these sports.Kulkuri
Ananda Marga School in Kulkuri Master Unit organised a beautiful sports competition on 16th January, in which hundreds of guardians and villagers took active interest. Shri Harimohan Karmakar, Head master of the local high school presided over the the prize distribution program.Karandighi
Ananda Marga School, Karandighi in North Dinajpur, organised a sports competition on 23rd January. The competition began at 9.30 am with flag hoisting. Mr. Kalpa Sinha, a well known and reputed teacher, distributed the prizes to the winners. The entire program was organised by Avadhutika Ananda Karmavrata Acarya, the principal of the school.
23rd January is the birthday of Netaji Subhash Bose and was celebrated at Maynaguri (Jalpaiguri district) by organising a sports competition by Ananda Marga School. It was inaugurated by Shri Nripen Bera, a reputed teacher.
Annual sports day was also celebrated by Ananda Marga School in South Dinajpur district, Chandrakona School of Midnapur district, Amta and Chauldharia in Howrah district, Krsnanagar and Habibpur school in Nadia district. They organised the sports day in the month of February. The competitions included 100m race, 50 metre race, biscuit race, long jump. musical chair etc.
This institution is located in Pundag Village of Ananda Nagar. It was started in 2005 by Dada Rudradevananda on 5 acres of land. It is a self-sufficient unit which started out with manufacturing torch lights in its own factory and selling throughout India. The income of this business generated the funds needed for the entire infrastructure of the project, which now has the following components:
High power electricity for industrial purposes.
Bag factory employing 10 people and producing bags.
A dairy farm of many cows and calves.
An iron works making different tools and fences.
Soya milk distribution made of purchased soya and ground for making milk.
A seed grinder that can make flour. The villagers bring their cereals for grinding here.
A pond for water catchments.
A deep well for water supply and irrigation.
Gardens of various vegetables and orchards.
There is also a computer school with 65 students and it is expanding. Among the students there are also a few women from the surrounding area. The course is for 6 months.
A satellite project of GRACE is in Bokaro Kashijharia which is a Gurukula Public School that started April 2007 and now has 155 children in nursery and kindergarten and 7 staff. The school is also expanding to provide for primary education.
Pune, India
DSL Pune, Didi Ananda Jyotirekha recently arranged a cultural programme and took out a procession. This programme was based on “Neohumanist Education”. She organized all this with the help of her AM school children. News media printed this news in all leading newspapers of Pune.
Ananda Marga School Anuwara, Chattagram presented a beautiful cultural program based on Prabhat Samgiita on January 24th .2008, which was attended by more than 2000 guardians and public.
Chandpur in Thakurgaon district
Ananda Marga School staged an attractive cultural program on February 10 which attracted more than 3000 people including guardians.
Kathmandu, at Hetauda
By Ac.Omkareshvarananda Avt.
We have an AMSAI school with 223 students and a Children’s Home with 11 boys. Pictured here is:
1. The interschool Science Quiz organised by the National Private and Boarding Schools Association, Nepal, hosted by our school.
2.Our participation in a rally on International AIDS Day
3. Ananda Marga Children’s Home boys performing in a cultural programme by RAWA Nepal.
We have been invited by all the schools to conduct YES programmes, after our NHE schools Yoga, Asana, Kaoshiki and Tandava demonstration in the District Interschool Tournaments.
With my medical background, I was posted in A.M. Gurukula University at Anandanagar by Baba. I was looking after Composite Medical College and Hospital from 1990 to 2003. Here in Nepal also I am continuing to treat the needy persons through Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Yoga and Herbal medicines. I am planning to expand these activities through medical camps. Last October we gave Asthma and Allergy treatments with herbs at midnight in moonlight. The follow up was Yoga and Music therapy with Prabhat Samgiita. 150 persons benefited. Now we are going to organize the same on June 7, 08. If we get someone specializing in acupuncture it will be even better.
Itahari Sunsari By TaraThis is the 7 room school building we have newly constructed. Now we are going to open a new session from April from class nursery to grade 3. This is the building of AMURT Itahari, Sunsari, Nepal and AMURT is helping the school. The school has a very good future here.