at Davao Global Training Center, Philippines
By January Lynn, teacher
December 20-22, 2007
The Ananda Marga Special Academic Institution of Buhangin, Davao City had an ETC for teachers last December 20-22, 2007 held at Dada’s Compound Buhangin. We were fortunate to have Sister Abha as the resource speaker all the way from Montessori, Taiwan. She brought with her a bagful of different techniques, devices and tips in teaching preschoolers. One technique that amazed us was teaching addition, subtraction, and multiplication using hand made beads. Each of us tried to solve numbers using the beads. It was fun. These activities will surely help the children learn the concepts easily. Teaching mathematics was made easy. Sister Abha showed a DVD about teaching reading through sounds. Classroom management, behavioral problems and parent teacher relationship were discussed. It is of outmost important that teachers have a good rapport with the parents or guardians of the children in school, Sister Abha told us. The second day of our training was spent learning new songs, yoga postures and games. We did have a very fruitful ETC with Sister Abha.
∗ Abha Akyer our resource speaker is a Philippino. She has been working as the trainer of Montessori School in Taiwan for more than 20 years. We are very fortunate to have her and she will be coming again for 2 weeks in May 2008 for the summer ETC.