Face to Face with Microvita of all Kinds

The Third Annual International
Microvita Seminar

Berlin, Germany
May 2-4, 2008

Amidst the natural beauty of flowing river, sunshine and flowering green lawns, the historic 3rd Annual Microvita Seminar on “Face to Face with Microvita of all Kinds” was held at an excellent facility called Wannsee Forum in Berlin on May 2, 3 & 4th 2008 with 36 participants hailing from 12 countries of three continents.

Among the topics discussed at length were: Microvita (MV) and inferences (tanmatras); string theory; MV and elementary particles; superluminal MV model of photons and electrons; hidden history of the quantum world; MV in biological life; musical theory & practice; Microvita in the life of a sadhaka and the how-to of dealing with positive and negative MV.

The excellent presentations were made by Dr. Hans-Joachim Rudolph, Ac. Vimalananda, Dr. Richard Gauthier, Dr. Brigunath Ragbourn, Mr. Kanwar Bir Sidhu and Mr. Michael Hackenberger. Interspersed in the thought provoking & mind challenging informations and discussions were creative & entertaining exercises led by Mr. Ole Brekke – director of the Commedia

School in Kopenhagen. Mr. Michael Hackenberger from Berlin also led the participants into the fascinating world of microvita as they manifest in music, dance and rhythms. 

Many working groups were formed to further study and research as MV also apply to the fields of health, communications, agriculture and sadhana (meditation); of course, microvita-science being an integrative science has applications in almost every field of human endeavor. 

Microvita Research e.V., a registered trust in Germany organized this annual event. Its offices are located at Am Kesselpfuhl 13, 13437 Berlin (Germany). The trust has initiated its international membership drive in order to accelerate the work of Microvita Study & Research in the world. More information is available from mrimicrovita.org 

MRI (Microvita Research Institute) is one of the cooperative institutions of Ananda Marga Gurukula

The 4th annual Microvita event is scheduled to take place at the same venue in May 2009. The topics will include Microvita and spirituality; Microvita in sociology and history; sharing of Microvita experiences as well as other inspiring, spiritually thrilling activities.