My First Book

Book Contest Croatia


The book contest, “Moja prva knjiga”, is in its 5th year in Croatia. This year 500 children’s books were received from all over Croatia. About 50 workshops were carried out by six student volunteers in schools in various places. Now the jury is reading the books to establish the winners. Pictured here are the volunteers and jury going through the books and marvelling at the amazing art and stories that children come up with. A dozen books were selected by the jury to be the best.


The book contest in Bali called “Buku pertamaku” in its first year resulted in 67 books received. The staff is reading the books and looking for funds to print the winning books.

Global NHE Book Contest

Ananda Marga Gurukula is sponsoring a story book contest for students in AMGK-affiliated* NHE primary and high Schools and Children Centres.

• The contest is on writing and illustrating an original picture book on the neohumanistic theme “Expanding My Circle of Love.”

• The final date for submission is March 31, 2010

• The winning book will be published by AMGK and the winner receives copies of the book as a prize.

• Books can be submitted by individual children or the book can be a group work.

• The book should be suitable for children ages 4 to 10 years.

• The book should be size A4 and laid out on 16 or 24 pages plus the cover.

• Page number 1 is the inner title page and on the last page there is only the biography, bio-data and school of the author(s).

• The text needs to be typed in Comic Sans 14 and stapled onto the space left on the illustrated pages.

• If the illustration is spread over two A4 pages care must be taken that there is no important illustration in the middle fold.

• All around the edges of 1.5 cm on the paper there can be illustration but no important images since the edges will be cut during binding.

• For any inquiries and where to send your book please contact

* If your school is not affiliated with AMGK please ask for a provisional application form.