STUVOL Accelerated Learning Courses

Children in a circleFrom the activities of the Ananda Marga Yoga Association in Syria naturally a group of young people gathered children of friends and neighbors and started teaching them yoga for children. Gradually extended activities were connected to the yoga. In this way the STUVOL Student Volunteers programme of NHE evolved and took on a more organized shape. The Shining Stars STUVOL clubs guides meet regularly and share working on lesson plans for different age-groups of children. Among the extended activities were helping out at a children’s home, garbage collection and cultural programme.

meditating child

An outline of STUVOL in Syria is on the NHE resource pages.

Accelerated Learning Courses

Another group of young people under the guidance of Dada Krsnasevananda worked out a programme of teaching learning methods to high school students to acquire skills in inner and outer ecology for better learning. The courses were welcomed by the trainers and the students. Part of the course was concentration exercises, yoga and meditation.