Learning the Art of Wholeness:

Challenges for Education and Human Development Madras Institute of Development Studies, India

July 2, 2011

This workshop was held to discuss solutions to the educational crisis that is evident in all levels of education – from the primary to higher levels. A major part of the problem lies in our education lacking a soul dimension and the realization of wholeness; pedagogical methods lacking a relation of love, mutuality and care among partners and fellow travelers; and educational objectives lacking the goal of integral development of individuals and societies.

Dr. Ananta Kumar Giri gave the opening remarks and spoke on Learning the Art of Wholeness: Education and Human Development. Among the many speakers, Dr Marcus Bussey, spoke on Neohumanist Education and Building Sustainable Futures; Dada Shambhushivananda, spoke on Psycho-Spiritual Foundations for Holistic Education; Professor Asha Mukherjee, Visva Bharati and Shantiniketan spoke on Education for Wholeness.