Afternoon NHE Training & Research

NHE  Training and Research

Those working in NHE projects with children from Infancy through Junior High School age will have the option to attend a special program during the afternoons as follows:

Afternoon Workshops and Teacher Training Groups

The first two afternoons of the NHE Teacher Training  will offer a workshop for all for the first half of the afternoon followed  by teacher training by age groups for the second half of the afternoon.  The third afternoon will offer an Open Space format for those wishing to offer/attend other workshops or for teacher training groups to continue.


July 12

Honoring Local Cultures in Neohumanist Educational Practice – led by Dr. Kathleen Kesson and Dr. Marcus Bussey

How do Neohumanist educators build on local language and culture? How do we celebrate and honor the cultures we work with?  How do we challenge our own worldviews and paradigms of education?  What is it to do education in refugee camps, natural disasters, in conditions of extreme poverty or in situations of political oppression and diaspora?  Many of us realize that education extends beyond the school walls, that it is seamless with community development and social change. Come to learn and dialogue about these and other issues and concerns you face. What has been your experience, your challenges and what did you learn from this experience? How can we forge a  path towards culturally relevant, post-colonial, Neohumanist Education?

July 13

Family Systems and Emotional Wellbeing, Creativity and Learning for Teachers and Children – led by Linda Baker

This experiential workshop will be based on the premise that learning environments can be substantially improved by focusing on the emotional wellbeing and creativity of both teachers and students. It will draw on research and exercises developed by the ECL Foundation (Emotional Wellbeing Creativity and Learning Foundation) as well as that from Systemic Constellation Theory which is premised on the importance of understanding family dynamics in oneself and one’s students.   Through the exercises, we will first experience these ideas through our own adult lenses and then will learn how that might translate into tools for the classroom and whole school system.

Teacher Training and Interest Area Groups

July 12-13

Birth and Infancy with Didi Ananda Uttama
Daycare with Yolanda Koning
Preschool and Kindergarten with MJ Glassman and Ruai Gregory
Elementary and Junior High with Eric Jacobson
Yoga for Kids for the Public with Rutger Taminga  and MJ Glassman
CNSs and  Educational Community Centers
Neohumanist Educational Researchers with Kathleen Kesson and Marcus Bussey

Open Space

July 14

Open Space Workshop Offers Thus Far:

More on Family Systems and Emotional Well being, Creativity and Learning – Linda Baker

Peace Games – Marilyn Cooper

More on Family Systems and Emotional Well being, Creativity and Learning – Linda Baker

Online NHE Teacher Training – Didi Ananda Devapriya and Ruai Gregory

Planning Meetings

Displays and Resources

Schools, projects and institutes are requested to bring displays of their projects and resources and materials to share.

Special Request to NHE Educators Pre K-12

Dear NHE Educators,

Our upcoming NHE global conference in Asheville, NC, USA is a great opportunity for all of us to come together and share our innovations and inventions as NHE teachers and educators.

NHE has the philosophical and ideological foundations for numerous creative applications in teaching and interacting with students. We trust that you as NHE teachers and educators in the classroom have let your creativity and joy reign in the process of teaching and learning.

We invite you to share your innovations, inventions, educational approaches and applications of your efforts to be a Neohumanist teacher. You are welcome to bring your material to display and share with all. Please also write up your NHE innovations, with clear objectives and step by step application, to be made available to others through NHE resources and NHE conference publications.

Even if you are not able to attend the conference please send in your contributions for us to discuss at the conference and to share on NHE Resources.