Córdoba, Argentina by José Luis Ferrero The AYAM (Academia de Yoga de Ananda Marga) Intensive Yoga Teacher Course was held...
Ole Brekke of Commedia School, at CNS-Sweden, Ydrefors April 6 – 7th, 2013 The April workshop in Ydrefors, Sweden was...
Over 200 people attended the October 11-14 event, about half from the Madison Area and half from other parts of the country, including 35 Proutists (about 15 percent). Well-known keynote speakers included The Nation correspondent John Nichols, Gar Alperovitz on cooperatives, Ellen Brown on public banking, David Cobb of Move to Amend, and David Schweikart, author of another book called After Capitalism.
at College of Neohumanist Studies (CNS) By AMURT & AMURTEL June 7 – 30, 2012 CNS Campus Ydrefors, Sweden This...
Bhuvaneshvar, Orissa, India Report prepared by Henk de Weijer An International Conference, “Future Education: Philosophical Perspectives and Programs”, was organized...
Challenges for Education and Human Development Madras Institute of Development Studies, India July 2, 2011 This workshop was held to...
Ljungskile, Sweden, June 18-19, 2011 Under the auspices of Intercultural Sustainability Network and Swedish Academy of Sustainability, a workshop was...
Viamão-Porto Alegre, Brasil By Bhaeravii Shakti (Paola Andrea Tejada Leytón) Renaissance Artists and Writers Association, (RAWA), was founded by Prabhat...