Didi Ananda Ragamaya gave a class on Yoga Dance Choreography at the NHE Summit . The following are notes from...
At the NHE Summit, Dada Caetanyananda explained the system used at Rainbow School to bring spirituality to the children in...
Dada Caetanyananda’s workshop at the NHE Summit was on “A Spiritual Education for the Child’s Personality Development”. Below are some...
From Staff training in Panatau By Didi Ananda Devapriya According to Neohumanist philosophy, human life is an ideological flow. Our...
By Didi Ananda Devapriya In Neohumanist Education, we all know that children learn best by imitating the example of the...
Notes from presentation given at Ananda Shila ETC by Didi Anandarama For grade 6 students to become peer mediators in...
Notes from a presentation given by Didi Anandarama at the Berlin Sector ETC July 2005 Neohumanist Education is firmly rooted...
“Chapeu de Alquimia” (The Alchemy Hat) This year we had an activity for children called “The Alchemy Hat”- a workshop...