Donations are welcome for Ananda Marga Gurukula Endowment Fund and Gurukula Network as well as schools and projects.
Gurukula Endowment Fund
Ánanda Márga Gurukula Inc. is a non-profit corporation aiming to promote all-around education in the spirit of self-realization and service to the world. It promotes Neohumanist Education through schools, teacher training, research institutes and colleges. Its aims involve all sectors of society in a process of community learning and resource development, empowering individuals, organizations and communities, and orientating them towards collective welfare and the essential pursuit of spiritual goals.
AMGK provides a network of educational services spanning from the community grassroots to all branches of higher education with an outlook of service and holistic development of the individual and the community.
AMGK headquarters is embedded in the most underdeveloped rural areas of India yet deeply sensitive to the local spiritual culture. It has been started with the kind support of friends and sympathizers and shall continue to need your active support for its expansion and carrying out its services in the form of scholarships to needy students, research and community development.
Please kindly earmark your donation if it is for a specific project.
We thank you for your support and patronage,
Ác. Shambhúshivánanda Avt., Chancellor
Please send your donations by PayPal below.
Your donation is tax-deductible in the USA.