Compilation and Introduction by Kathleen Kesson In this world/historical moment, two major challenges of global concern are the diverse and...
By Marcus Bussey Excerpted from “Education for Liberation A Cornerstone of Prout” by, in Understanding Prout – Essays on...
By Demeter Russafov, Executive Director – AMURT – Haiti The women stand proudly in a circle clapping hands and singing...
by Sohail Inayatullah Excerpted from “Science, Civilization and Global Ethics: Can We Understand the Next 1000 Years?” (2000). Retrieved from...
by Didi Ananda Devapriya Excerpted from Every Child Has an Inner Compass: Facilitating Children’s Moral Development (2010), Neohumanist...
By Dada Maheshvarananda Prout Perspective Prout advocates economic and political democracy based on local and cooperative planning. Neohumanist Education Perspective...
By Matt Oppenheim, PhD Fellow: Society for Applied Anthropology Prout Perspective Prout encourages the protection and cultivation...
By Kathleen Kesson, EdD Professor Emerita of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership (LIU-Brooklyn) Prout Perspective Prout supports the idea...