
A New NHE Music CD


Earth’s Heart Calling

A collection of NHE based songs with kiirtans
by Vistara Primary School

The children at Vistara Primary School worked on this wonderful new CD with Jyoshna La Trobe and created their own songs. Their voices are beautiful and the CD is already starting to sell in shops in town and Byron Bay.  There is also a song by Tom Avery (Blackboi) an Australian Aboriginal Artist from the Bundjalung Nation. Tom is a school parent and the children are singing with him. This song has reached the finals in the 2014 NCEIA Dolphin Music awards.

There are 13 tracks. The songs are: Jingi Wallah (Welcome Song), Unicorn, Side by Side, Save the Whales, Tiny Green Island, Love is Above Me, Do All The Good You Can, My Eyes are Open, Earth’s Heart Calling, Calypso Kiirtan, Loved Ones Kiirtan, Rockin Kiirtan, Relaxation (crystal singing bowls and chimes).

Some of the feedback so far:

“I’m so proud of the school’s CD. It was so well worth the wait.”
“It’s amazing! I love it..really love it”.
“I played the Kiirtan’s to people who have never heard kiirtan before and they really liked it. They said it made them feel mellow and they sang along”
“The CD’s fantastic! I love listening to it in the car.”
“What a gift to the world. It was worth the wait”
“I love Jingi Wallah; it’s one of my favourites on the CD”.
“I want Didi’s art work on a T-shirt”
“I cried by the second song and couldn’t stop crying through the rest of the CD. So much love”.
“It’s great . It’s better than I expected.”
“The children’s songs are beautiful. Makes me so proud to have my child at Vistara”.
“I’ve listened to the CD a lot this last week. It’s so beautiful. Everything about it is touching, joyful and authentic.
Thank you to all who made it possible and particularly those who made it happen behind the scenes – the work that went into the making of this CD was truly service.”

The CD is selling at $25 Aus plus postage and handling. A website is under construction for the CD and people will be able to soon purchase the CD through: and

P.R. Sarkar Institute Welcomes Your Participation

PRSI plus text

Ananda Marga Gurukula is currently in the process of setting up a new initiative called the PR Sarkar Institute.

PRSI will provide comprehensive online resources related to PR Sarkar and his works, and will be a forum for the research, development and dissemination of PR Sarkar’s ideas.

We would like to hear from those interested in being involved in the project: researchers, historians, scholars, students, teachers, writers, artists, filmmakers, technicians, web designers, etc. Anyone working in the area of PR Sarkar’s legacy. All are welcome!

Contact the PRSI working group:


AMGK is preparing to offer distance learning courses through Neohumanist College ( and welcomes your participation.

One of the areas that will addressed for course work is Neohumanist Education teacher training. If there are particular areas of learning that would be of interest to your NHE school and staff, please let us know what those areas might be, so we can keep them in mind as courses are being developed. Please write to:

Also, if anyone has expertise and interest to offer a class in a particular area of study through this distance learning platform, please let us know. The College will not be limited to studies in NHE. Tentative areas of course work that we hope to offer are listed on the website

At first the college will offer individual courses. But the long term plan is to offer accredited certificate, diploma and degree programs in various subject areas.

Your thoughts and feedback are welcome.
Please contact: or