Master Unit in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

By Didi Ananda Carushila’

I have been working in Vietnam since 2009 where we have two Master Unit (eco-village) land parcels. One is 6 hectares and the other 2 hectares (1 hectare is equivalent to 2.4 acres). The land parcels are located at Phuoc Tan, Bien Hoa City, about 1.5 hrs from Ho Chi Minh City. The larger plot was found in 1992 by Didi Ananda Lalita and Uma. Didi Ananda Sushila bought the second one nearby in 1993. Behind the lands there is a small river. On the larger parcel, a big lake was dug to preserve water. A medical house was constructed and Uma provided medical service to the village. A small house was also built. Fruit trees and Neem trees were planted. The smaller parcel was rented out starting in 1998 for 12 years, till 2010. Now both lands are still on lease for tree plantation. The contract will be expire October 2013.


Last October 2011, we created a committee of 8 members; Tapan, Kumuda, Tanmaya. Kiirti, Shaunkara, Nirmala, Rajkumarii and Omkarii. We have a meeting twice a month regarding land development and project planning. We have also been contacting local resources for agricultural development.


The Sanskrit name of our land is “Ananda Uma”. Uma contributed a lot to this land, but unf ortunately she passed away last year. In gratitude, the land is named “Ananda Uma”. Ananda means Bliss and Uma is the name of Parvati and also means “Mother” or “Lady of the Mountain” as well as “tranquility” and “bright” in Sanskrit The Vietnamese name is “Vùng dât Uma chân phúc”, which means Bliss land.


Last November 2011, Ananda Marga held a conference with 250 people in attendance and we did fundraising by selling paintings and Yama-niyama posters. We also made a leaflet and exhibition to promote the idea of Master Unit. We raised around $2000. This year we will built a house out of wood and bamboo on the larger parcel of land. Shaunkara will live there with his family.


We hope to get more support from members of Ananda Marga and develop the Master Unit to provide all possible services for the community.


If you have any suggestions about Master Unit development, or are willing to volunteer, or to lead an earth bag house workshop or any kind of project related to Master Unit development and if you are planning to come to Vietnam and interested to visit Hochiminh and our Master unit please let us know. You are most welcome! You may contact us (MU Hochiminh) by email:


“Many people come here to take, let you be the one who is here to give” (Shrii P.R.Sarkar)