The school year is starting again with fresh energy. For one week before the children arrive, we prepare the program, the rooms and finalize all the details. After their vacations, the teachers are excited to receive old and new children. This year we are introducing computer and English classes. We also have swimming classes that are optional. Even though this school benefits a lot of poor children, who pay very little, we are working hard to make this school a model school of Neohumanist Education and to provide excellent academic education to all. We also offer a nutritious vegetarian lunch every day.
The children love all kinds of hands-on activities, like learning to cook and doing yoga exercises and gymnastics. But they also can sit still when we have our quiet time and some of the children already lead our guided visualisations.The preschool is now entering its fifth year of operation. There has been a lot of struggle with bureaucracy, but all of it has been worth it seeing the joy in the children’s faces, or receiving a warm and gentle hug from these precious expressions of the Divine.
Most of our teachers are already familiar with the neohumanist philosophy and some of them have learned meditation and are practising regularly. The parents receive classes on self-esteem, vegetarian diet, and other topics which help them to understand better our philosophy and support their children in their learning process and all-round development.
This year we received new computers, printers, a TV and a DVD from the German Embassy, but we still need more financial support for the day to day running of the Preschool, like salaries, rent, electricity, etc. It would be great to get some volunteers with knowledge of English and Spanish, and with computer skills to help write proposals.
Our goal for this year is to buy our own school building. So far, we have two options. One is to buy the building where we are at right now. It costs around $200,000 US official exchange rate from Bolivares to US dollars, but looking at the real dollar value it goes down to $100,000 US.
For more information, or if you would like to help support this project, contact Didi Ananda Amegha at: