Building the Sense of Belonging at Ananda Uma

By Citrá Trần Thúy Ngọc

Ananda Uma is the Master Unit of Ananda Marga Saigon: Since it is located far from where most margiis live, we can only build a community there with our occasional events: New Year, Summer Camp, Mid-Autumn Festival, Akhanda Kiirtan, and various Ananda Marga commemorative festivals. Although people come and go to these gatherings, some return and some do not. We aim to inspire the sense of belonging to this land by working together in our various selfless projects: making adobe bricks, planting trees, cooking, yoga & spiritual workshops, free shops for the needy etc. What encourages us to cope the financial and manpower challenge are the support of some well-wishers and volunteers. They are few in number but great in collective spirit. We hope they will kindle more candles to light the land!