Florence, Italy – April 29, 2018
Under the auspices of “Accademia Neoumanista”, the Firenze (Italian) chapter of Ananda Marga Gurukula held the launching convention of a global neohumanist movement on April 29th 2018 from the same place where the Renaissance and the movement of Humanism was once initiated by leading intellectuals. The theme was: “From Humanism to Neo-Humanism”.
The first presentation was given by Dr. Silvia Cescato, (PhD in Human Sciences), on “Le Basi Del Neoumanesimo” (the Basics of Neohumanism). This erudite introduction was followed by four other presentations. Dr. Sara Boscolo (Semiologist and Researcher) spoke on “Dall umanesimo al neoumanesimo” (From Humanism to Neohumanism) and traced the historical liberating contributions of intellectuals like Tommaso Moro, Erasmo da Rotterdam and the like. Dr. Alexia Martinelli (Pedagogist and teacher of yoga and meditation) captivated the audience with her presentation on “Neoumanesimo in Famiglia” (Neo-humanism in the Family).
The last two presentations showed how the movement of Humanism had failed to solve the problems of human society and that there was a need for a fresh perspective to solve the problems of ecology, sustainability, disparities and diversities. Katjusa Viel gave a colourful musical presentation on “Neoumanesimo a Scuola” (Neohumanism at School).
The concluding talk was given by Dr. Shambhushivananda who shared the neohumanist projects from around the world and stressed the need to address the problem of growing disparities in the world through a compassionate outlook espoused by the philosophy of Neohumanism.
Among the audience were also present Jose Galindo and Marcela Virchez of Mexico City who vowed to bring the message of the conference to Mexico.